Research Program
Risk Stratification with Coronary Calcium
Who should be referred for a CT coronary calcium score? Introducing a simple patient risk questionnaire combining traditional and novel risk factors.
This study was led by Dr Stephen Fenton from Bligh Cardiology, Sydney, evaluating the utility of an online questionnaire for identifying patients most likely to benefit from Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scanning. The results demonstrated that the online questionnaire was able to stratify different groups who would benefit from a CAC scan. In particular, the group with the highest risk-profile score identified by the questionnaire, with a score of 8 or more, included 36% of patients with a calcium score greater-than or equal to 100.
Read the full publication here
This online questionnaire is available by using our free online Personal Risk-Profile Calculator here
Evaluation of the Personal Risk-Profile Calculator as a risk stratification method for Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scanning in a prospective patient cohort.
In progress