Stress Echocardiogram (Stress Echo)
Cardiac stress testing is used to evaluate how well the heart performs under stress in a controlled clinical environment. The purpose of the test is to help the cardiologist evaluate how well the heart muscle responds to exercise and identify areas of inadequate blood flow. It is also used to evaluate the heart following a heart attack, stent or recent cardiac surgery.
The test usually takes about 30 minutes and no preparation is required. You will be asked to remove clothing from the waist up and lie on an examination bed. A gown is provided for comfort. Electrodes and an ultrasound probe are placed on the chest so that the sonographer can acquire the images.
– Please bring comfortable clothing and shoes for exercising on the treadmill. Shower facilities are available for your convenience.
- Please do not apply lotions, moisturiser or oils to the chest. Fasting is not required
– Take all medications as usual unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.
- If you are asthmatic, please bring inhalers if required.
What's involved
An ECG (electrocardiograph) is applied to the chest using electrodes to allow for continuous monitoring.Pre-exercise imaging is acquired: the sonographer will take resting ultrasound images of your heart.You will then be asked to exercise on the treadmill until you have reached your peak. Your ECG and blood pressure are monitored and recorded continuously throughout the test. Please notify the sonographer if you feel chest pain/chest tightness, shortness of breath or if you are unable to continue or if you feel unwell.Post-exercise imaging is acquired: the sonographer will ask you to lie on the bed and repeat ultrasound imaging.You will be monitored until your heart rate returns to its normal resting rate.This test takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. Your test results will be explained to you by the cardiologist during this visit, who may suggest further testing or treatment if required.