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The Importance of Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Scanning

A Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scan is a test performed with x-ray using a CT
(computerised tomography) scan, and is used to measure the amount of calcified
plaque in the coronary arteries.

The result of the test is known as a ‘calcium score’, and is an effective indicator of heart
attack risk. It is especially helpful in identifying at-risk patient who are asymptomatic.
By using our FREE online Personal Risk-Profile Calculator, at-risk applicants can also
arrange a FREE referral for a CAC scan –

Some additional benefits of CAC scanning is outlined below:

✅ Detect deposits of calcium in the coronary arteries which may potentially lead to
future obstruction or heart disease

✅ Results from the test will determine your risk level of having a heart attack in the
next 5 years

✅ The CAC scan can be a preventative measure by helping you change your lifestyle to
a healthier one

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Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Scan Referral

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